ivan glasenberg in Chinese
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- ivan
- n. 1.伊凡〔男子名,John的异体〕。 2.伊凡三世〔1440-1505,世称俄国大公,在位期间 1462-1505〕。 3.伊凡四世〔1530-1584,世称伊凡雷帝,1547-1548年在位的俄国第一个沙皇〕。
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- bubnov ivan
- 伊万布勃诺夫
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- childhood of ivan
- 伊凡的少年时代; 伊凡的童年时代; 伊万的童年
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- crazy ivan
- 疯狂的伊万; 疯狂伊凡; 狂伊凡
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- fioletov ivan
- 伊万・菲奥列托夫
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- golubets ivan
- 伊万戈鲁别茨
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What is the meaning of ivan glasenberg in Chinese and how to say ivan glasenberg in Chinese? ivan glasenberg Chinese meaning, ivan glasenberg的中文,ivan glasenberg的中文,ivan glasenberg的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.